lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


We all now heroes, there are Marvel Heroes, DC Comics heroes and characters that are imaginary and that doesn’t exist in real life, unless it is a movie with special effects. But what about real people that make sacrifices, that give their life for others or simply that helps each day to needed people, are they heroes? Maybe they are not heroes with superpowers but they are real life heroes. Anyone can be a hero, but there are better heroes than others. Furthermore, everybody is a hero inside their body but many of us need a costume to hide our identity for fear of not being accepted as a hero. But a real hero is the one who doesn’t care what others think of him, he will always act towards others who need help.
In the world, there are many needy people who at least need the help of somebody per day. That needy people may be old people, seek people, people with no legs or hands or sight, poor people, etc. These are an infinite number of needy people that didn’t had the opportunity to choose how to live, that has no more capacity because of their age; nobody chose the way they were born and everybody needs an opportunity.
In the world, there are many persons who care about humanity, who thinks in the future of the next generation. These are the people that are considered heroes. They don´t think in them, or in their future or in the future of their sons; they think in people around them, no matter if familiars and friends or strangers, they care about the future of all the children of the entire world and they are not selfish and think only in them. There are some circumstances that make you a hero, like helping poor people gaining money, helping old people crossing the street, if things fell from somebody help to get it together, and by just giving a smile to any person, somebody you know or even somebody you don’t know.

A real life hero doesn’t just helps persons or humanity; they also help animals and nature, the world and its future. As any human has the right to live, an animal has the same rights and a real life hero knows that and notices it. Africa is a poor continent that needs a lot of help; there are many millionaires persons in the world that has all the money of the world in their hands and doesn´t share it because they want it for themselves and their family. One big millionaire, who created Microsoft, is now dedicating his life to help children in Africa; he doesn’t need more money because he can approximately live from 400 years to 600 years. But all his years that are left, he is giving it to the children of Africa who want to live longer and enjoy life, just as Bill Gates did. He is an authentic life hero, he thinks in others and do not want to have all the fortune in his hands for nothing.

If you have the capacity, use it; but use it for right.